Monday, June 27, 2011

Body Painting and Airbrush Body Design

Each year during Fantasy Fest this event is held on the waterfront overlooking scenic Key West harbor. Beautiful, sexy, almost naked women, along with many creative and talented air brush design artists come to the city during the week long adult themed costume party that culminates with a huge parade on the Festival ending Saturday night. Everyday during the week, Body Painting Artists can be seen setting up their small studio booths on the streets and in different shops, sidewalk cafes, bars, and painting the sexy, beautiful bodies of women with exotic art designs. Some women get a different air brushed design done everyday and walk the streets showing off their body art as they wait for the big event competition that begins on the Friday evening and is called "The Living Arts Airbrush Body Painting Contest".

Airbrushed Art design is an artistic talent that transforms your everyday skin into a beautifully designed pattern, it can be a living animal, a flower, a vampire, or almost any life form you so desire. The artists use airbrushing to create a design or idea that you bring to them. Any part of your body can be painted and covered with a creative design. Body painting artists are very skilled artists and will cover any parts of your body that you wish, from the top of your head to the tip of your toe. And if you can't make up your mind which part to paint, you can have your entire body air brushed so it completely disguises the real you underneath the art. By using this method of airbrushing, and drawing a design pattern, your body can be entirely transformed into your wildest fantasy design form.

Western Painting - Body Painting - A Contemporary Yet Ancient Style of Being a Canvas

Body Painting - The Intricacies

The origin of body painting is unknown, but its use has been widespread - sometimes as an art form, sometimes as a part of tradition, and the other times, as a necessity. The evidence of body painting is found in ancient practices across various cultures and remains a popular fashion statement in the present times. There is no set style or technique for body painting. It can be a localized design or a fuller one, covering the entire body in some cases. The color pigments used can be natural or synthetic. Similarly, it can be a work of an expert or an amateurish hand of a novice. However, unlike permanent tattoos, body paints are temporary or semi-permanent in nature.

The Geographical Spread
Painting the body was prevalent in ancient Egyptian civilization, where Pharaohs and high-class individuals painted their faces in red ochre & white pigments, and eyes in kohl. The Himba group of Namibia also generously uses red ochre. These people paint their entire bodies in the uniform pigment, as a traditional practice. In India, body painting is an elaborate work of expertise, which requires training and a lot of experience. One of the best examples of this art is the make-up of Kathakali dancers that involves the use of white, red, black, and yellow colors against a base of bottle green color, on face.

Latest Colorful Body Art Paintings

Hey friends and body art paintings lover, i think you will love these beautiful and obviously Colorful body art paintings. They are look awesome. I have googled for a title for this beautiful body art. Umbrella body art or Crazy girl body art or s can be appropriate. But what ever the title is "theseexy girl body art paintings body paintings are simple awesome". Have a look and please give your

Friday, June 24, 2011

World Body Paintings Festival Seeboden Austria

These cool and amazing body art paintings are displays on the World Body Painting Festival which is held in Seeboden city Austria. Color variation and different theme is used in this Body art Paintings Festival. Love body art.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Body Art Painting Fashion Festival Kiev Ukraine

Body Art Painting Fashion Festival 2008 Kiev Ukraine held on February 7,2008 in the exhibition center "KyivExpoPlaza" of Ukraine within the framework of the exhibition starts InterCHARM IV Open Championship on the Body-Art Fashion Festival-2008. The main theme of the festival was "Peace, love and beauty". Each participant in the contest for the body-Art was given six hours to create their works